Inclusion @ Kidsborough

Kidsborough combines a community-based afterschool model with caring, specialized staff and an emphasis on inclusion that focuses on the dignity of and respect for each student as a core value of our programs. We love to help children from diverse backgrounds thrive while acquiring new skills, building friendships, and learning about their wider world.

Our Staff

Our Kidsborough team brings a talented team with a diverse range of experiences – from music to robotics, education to business, engineering to theater, and many places in between. What unites us is our passion for teaching children in the unconventional setting of afterschool program that lets both our students and educators explore and share their authentic selves and their diverse interests, helping foster understanding and empathy for others. This philosophical foundation serves as our starting point to open kids’ eyes to the world and learn to see and appreciate their greater community more clearly.

A Culture Of Inclusion

Kidsborough puts our inclusion practices front and center, starting from registration to gain understanding of our students’ and families’ needs.

To help provide every student with the resources to succeed, we differentiate our program offerings the following ways:

  • Offering quiet spaces and sensory tools within program
  • Providing regular curriculum about SEL and inclusion topics, such as celebrating Autism Awareness Month and World Down Syndrome Day
  • Providing appropriate resources and materials to families for a variety of needs
  • Continual staff training to stay current on best practices and education

When students require additional accommodations beyond standard programming, we additionally offer:

  • Programmatic consultation with our in-house behavior team
  • Facilitated parent meetings to help build trusting and understanding relationships between the program community and home
  • Screening with our behavior specialists
  • Referrals for additional services as appropriate

Focused Individual Support

We currently offer unique ABA services for students with autism spectrum disorder at select sites in Lexington and Winchester to help them develop adaptive skills and reduce interfering behaviors alongside their school community friends. For additional information, please check out our ABA page.